Duraflame Heater Fix: Infrared Troubleshooting Guide

When your Duraflame infrared heater starts acting up, you’re left in the cold, quite literally. But don’t worry, troubleshooting your heater isn’t as daunting as it seems. With a few quick tips, you’ll understand the common issues that can arise and how to tackle them effectively.

From power problems to heating inefficiencies, you’ll learn the ins and outs of getting your Duraflame infrared heater back in action. So, roll up your sleeves and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of keeping your space warm and cozy without a hitch.

Common Power Problems

When your Duraflame infrared heater encounters power issues, it’s essential to assess a few critical factors to determine the cause and find a solution.

Check the Power Source
First things first, verify that your power outlet is functioning properly. Plug in a different appliance to confirm that electricity is flowing through the socket. If the outlet isn’t working, you may need to reset your circuit breaker or replace a blown fuse.

Inspect the Power Cord
Damaged power cords can interrupt your heater’s operation. Examine the cord for any signs of fraying, cuts, or other damages. If you discover a problem, do not use the heater until you’ve replaced or repaired the cord.

Power Button and Remote Issues
Sometimes, the issue might be as simple as a malfunctioning power button or remote control. Ensure that the power button isn’t stuck or damaged. For remote controls, check the batteries and replace them if necessary.

Thermal Cut-Off Device
Duraflame heaters are equipped with a safety feature that prevents overheating. If your heater isn’t turning on, it could be due to the thermal cut-off device being activated. Allow the heater to cool down completely before attempting to restart it.

Internal Components
If you’ve checked the external factors and your heater still isn’t powering on, there might be an issue with the internal components such as the thermostat or the heating element. At this point, you may need to contact a professional or reach out to Duraflame customer support for assistance.

Remember to always prioritize safety by unplugging your heater before conducting any inspections or attempting troubleshooting steps. Regular maintenance of your Duraflame infrared heater is key to preventing many of these power problems, ensuring that your space stays warm without interruption.

Insufficient Heat Output

When your Duraflame infrared heater isn’t emitting enough heat, there are several potential factors to consider.

Check the Room Size and Heater Capacity

First, ensure that the heater’s capacity matches the size of your room. Each heater is designed to warm a specific area, and overextending its capability leads to underperformance.

Inspect the Thermostat

  • Verify the thermostat settings. If it’s set too low, your heater won’t produce enough warmth.
  • If the thermostat is not responding, it might need recalibration or replacement.

Clean and Maintain the Unit

Regular maintenance is key for optimal performance. Dust and debris can clog the heater’s interior and exhaust, restricting airflow and heat output.

  • Clean the filters regularly.
  • Remove any obstructions from in front and around the heater.

Examine Internal Elements

Over time, internal elements such as the bulbs or the heat exchanger can wear out or fail, resulting in lower heat efficiencies.

  • Check for any visible signs of wear.
  • Consider replacing worn-out components.

Utilise Professional Assistance

If after these checks your heater still fails to provide sufficient heat, it’s prudent to consult with a qualified technician who can diagnose and fix internal electrical or mechanical issues that aren’t immediately apparent. Remember to turn off and unplug the heater before you perform any internal checks to avoid any potential hazards.

By addressing these common problems and performing regular upkeep on your Duraflame infrared heater, you’ll be better positioned to enjoy a consistently warm and cosy atmosphere in your space.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

When your Duraflame infrared heater’s thermostat starts giving you trouble, you’ll likely notice significant discomfort with the heating consistency. A thermostat acting up is a common setback, yet it’s often misdiagnosed due to its elusive symptoms. Understand the thermostat’s role: it’s the brain of your heater, dictating when to fire up and when to rest, maintaining your desired temperature.

If the room feels too chilly or excessively warm, it’s time to investigate. Start by checking the thermostat’s setting – it might need recalibration. Most models allow you to reset the thermostat by turning the heater off, waiting a few minutes, and turning it back on.

Interestingly, dust accumulation can impact a thermostat’s performance. Ensure you have a regular cleaning schedule, gently wiping the thermostat with a soft cloth. Be cautious not to dislodge any internal wires or components.

You should also consider the thermostat’s placement. If it’s near other heat sources or in the path of direct sunlight, it may misread the room temperature. Try relocating the heater to a more suitable spot where it can accurately gauge the room’s warmth.

A persistent issue may signal a deeper problem. Wiring issues within the thermostat can occur, often requiring a professional look. Before you reach out for expert assistance, disconnect and reconnect the thermostat wires to ensure they’re firmly in place – a loose connection could be your culprit.

Remember to regularly check the thermostat during the heater’s lifespan. Proper care ensures a longer service life and improved energy efficiency. Robust troubleshooting now circumvents inconvenient repairs later.

Inconsistent Heating

When your Duraflame infrared heater starts to produce inconsistent heat, you’re likely to notice fluctuations in room temperature. The first step in troubleshooting is to check the thermostat. Make sure it’s set to a temperature that’s high enough to trigger the heater to emit heat. If the setting appears correct, the thermostat itself may be faulty and require replacement.

Another cause of inconsistent heating can be a clogged air filter. Clean or replace the filter to ensure proper airflow. Dust and debris can restrict the heater’s output, so a clean filter can make a significant difference in performance.

Inspect the room for drafts or open windows. Even the finest infrared heaters can struggle to maintain consistent temperatures in a drafty environment. Sealing drafts and ensuring proper insulation can help with heating efficiency.

Room size matters. If you’ve placed a heater designed for a small room in a larger space, it’s going to struggle to maintain a steady temperature. Always match the heater’s capacity with the size of your room for optimal function.

If none of these solutions resolve the inconsistent heat output, there may be internal component issues at play. Check the heating elements—these may need professional assessment or replacement. Regular checks can catch early signs of wear and tear, preventing bigger issues down the line.

Keep in mind that like any electrical device, your infrared heater may experience wear over time. Regular maintenance not only ensures consistent heating but also prolongs the life of your unit.

Always turn off and unplug your heater before performing any sort of maintenance to avoid the risk of electrical shock. Safety should always be your top priority when addressing heater issues.


Tackling issues with your Duraflame infrared heater can be straightforward when you know what to look for. Remember to keep your heater clean and well-maintained to prevent most problems before they start. Should you encounter inconsistent heating, you’ve got the know-how to check the thermostat, air filter, and heating elements. Ensuring your space is properly sealed and that your heater’s capacity is suited for the room size will also help in achieving optimal performance. Stay warm and safe with your heater running smoothly by following these practical troubleshooting steps.