Fix Your Mr Heater Buddy: Solving Propane Flow Issues

Struggling with your Mr. Heater Buddy that’s not getting propane can be a real winter bummer. You’re counting on that warm, comforting heat, and when it fails, it feels like you’re left out in the cold—literally. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this.

In this article, you’ll discover common reasons why your portable heater might be giving you the cold shoulder and what you can do to troubleshoot the issue. From checking your propane levels to inspecting the fuel lines, we’ll guide you through the steps to get your Mr. Heater Buddy back in action.

Common Reasons for Mr. Heater Buddy Not Getting Propane

When your Mr. Heater Buddy isn’t performing, it’s essential to consider various issues that could impede propane flow. Recognising these problems early on can restore your heater’s functionality swiftly and safely.

Empty Propane Tank
First and foremost, verify that your propane tank contains fuel. An apparent but often overlooked detail, an empty tank is the most straightforward problem to rectify.

Faulty Regulator
Another common culprit is a faulty regulator. It’s crucial to maintain a consistent gas flow, and a damaged regulator can impede this, resulting in your heater not receiving propane.

Clogged Fuel Line
Over time, the fuel lines in portable heaters can accumulate debris. Even small obstructions can significantly reduce or completely block propane delivery.

Improper Installation
If the propane tank isn’t properly connected, your heater won’t receive gas. Ensure that all connections are secure and the tank is attached correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Low Ambient Temperature
Propane delivery can also suffer in extremely cold conditions. The pressure in the tank can drop, affecting the flow of gas to your heater.

Safety Features Activation
Heaters like Mr. Heater Buddy have built-in safety features, which may sometimes activate and cut off the propane supply inadvertently. These include features like the tip-over switch or low-oxygen sensors.

To maintain optimal performance, periodically check these aspects:

  • Propane tank level
  • Regulator function
  • Cleanliness of fuel lines
  • Correct installation of propane tank
  • Operating environment temperature

Routine inspection and maintenance can prevent most issues and keep your Mr. Heater Buddy running smoothly. If you’ve eliminated these common problems and your heater is still not working, it might be time to seek professional help or contact the manufacturer for further troubleshooting.

Checking Propane Levels

When your Mr. Heater Buddy isn’t performing optimally, assessing the propane tank should be your first step. Not having enough fuel is one of the most straightforward issues to rectify. Ensure the propane tank is adequately filled by checking the indicator if your model has one. For those models without an indicator, you can weigh the tank. Subtract the tare weight (TW) marked on the cylinder from the current weight to determine how much propane remains.

Here’s how you can calculate the propane level:

Item Tare Weight (TW) Current Weight Propane Level (kg)
Propane Tank 8kg 10kg 2kg

If you find your tank near empty, simply replace or refill it to restore your heater’s function. However, don’t just stop there. The inconsistency in heating could be a sign that you’re not monitoring the tank’s levels as often as you should. It’s important to develop a routine of checking the propane levels, especially if you rely on your Mr. Heater Buddy for consistent warmth.

When you’ve confirmed adequate propane, and your heater is still not igniting, move on to examining the regulator and fuel lines. A blockage or malfunction here could also prevent propane from reaching the burner. Regular maintenance of these components ensures your Mr. Heater Buddy will serve you well when you need it the most.

Inspecting Fuel Lines

When you’re dealing with your Mr. Heater Buddy not receiving propane, it’s crucial to inspect the fuel lines for any obstruction or damage. Over time, debris and dust can accumulate or the lines can become worn, which may prevent gas from flowing to the heater.

To inspect the fuel lines, ensure your heater is off and completely cooled down. Once it’s safe to handle, locate the fuel line which typically runs from the propane tank to the heater. You should look for:

  • Signs of wear and tear
  • Kinks or bends in the line
  • Any visible blockages

If you discover any of these issues, there are steps you can take to rectify them. To clear a blockage, for example, you might gently tap the fuel line or use compressed air to remove debris. Should the line be damaged, replacing it is often the safest and most effective solution.

Regular maintenance plays a key role in preventing fuel line problems. This includes regularly checking for any signs of deterioration and cleaning the lines as part of routine upkeep. By incorporating such checks into your maintenance schedule, you’ll likely mitigate common issues related to fuel obstruction.

A well-maintained fuel line ensures that your heater operates efficiently and remains a reliable source of warmth. Embracing these proactive steps will safeguard against unexpected disruptions caused by faulty fuel lines. Remember that these components are essential for a fully functional heater; addressing any concerns promptly will go a long way in keeping your space warm whenever you need it.

Troubleshooting Ignition Issues

When your Mr. Heater Buddy isn’t lighting, ignition problems could be the culprit. It’s essential to tackle these issues promptly. First, check if there’s a spark when you initiate ignition. No spark typically indicates a problem with the igniter itself. If a spark is present but there’s no flame, the issue often lies elsewhere in the system.

Inspect the ignitor — it should be clean and correctly positioned near the pilot where the gas is released. A misaligned ignitor won’t light the propane. Also, ensure the pilot tube is not obstructed. You can clear any debris from the tube using a can of compressed air or a thin wire.

Here’s what to focus on:

  • Ensure the pilot tube is free from blockages and the gas is flowing.
  • The ignitor electrode should be clean, correctly in place, and displaying a robust spark.
  • Check for battery issues if you’re using an electronic ignition system. Replace them if they’re dead or weak.

Some electronic ignitions are equipped with a thermocouple—a safety device that detects heat from the pilot flame. If your heater’s pilot won’t stay lit, the thermocouple might need to be repositioned closer to the flame or replaced if it’s faulty. Remember, for the system to work, the thermocouple must be heated by the pilot flame.

For issues with the ignition that aren’t resolved by these steps, consult the user manual or reach out to a professional. Regular maintenance and a thorough pre-season check can prevent most ignition issues from arising in the first place, ensuring your portable heater remains reliable when you need it most.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Heater

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your Mr. Heater Buddy. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate within the heater, potentially obstructing the flow of propane and diminishing its performance.

Inspect Your Heater

It’s essential to inspect your heater before and after each use. Look for signs of dirt or spider webs, which are particularly fond of settling in heaters’ nooks and crannies. Use a can of compressed air to gently blow away any detritus around the pilot tube and burner tile.

Clean the Fuel Line

An obstructed fuel line can prevent propane from reaching the burner. To clean it:

  • Disconnect the heater from the propane tank.
  • Remove any visible blockages in the fuel line.
  • Use a pipe cleaner to scrub inside the line.
  • Reattach the fuel line and ensure it’s secure.

Check the Filter

Some Mr. Heater Buddy models have filters that need to be checked and cleaned regularly. If your model has a filter:

  • Locate the filter according to the owner’s manual.
  • Remove it gently.
  • Wash it with soapy water and let it dry completely before reinstalling.

Store Your Heater Properly

When not in use, store your heater in a cool, dry place:

  • Turn off the propane tank.
  • Disconnect the heater.
  • Cover the heater to protect it from dust.

This upkeep routine not only helps to prevent issues with propane flow but also ensures safety when operating the heater. Remember, proper care can significantly extend the life of your appliance and ensure it’s ready for use when you need it most.


You’ve now got the know-how to keep your Mr. Heater Buddy in top shape, ensuring it delivers the warmth you need when you need it most. Remember, taking a little time for regular maintenance can save you from the inconvenience of a cold snap without your trusty heater. By keeping it clean and well-maintained, you’re not just preserving its functionality; you’re also prioritising your safety. So before you next fire up your portable heater, give it the once-over it deserves. That way, you’ll stay cosy and warm all winter long, with the peace of mind that comes from a well-cared-for appliance.